Anyone with Android earlier than 8 able to watch Youtube apps without problems?
I have an old Samsung Galaxy (2016) with Android 7.1 and all the recent Youtube ReVanced apps require Android 8+. The latest version you can use on Android 6+ is 17.36.37
My problem is videos stop loading after like a minute of playing, it gets stuck infinitely. I tried installing Vanced, which doesnt load videos at all anymore. Older versions of ReVanced, doesnt work. Other apps like NewPipe, but i dont like that they dont allow you to log-in to Google account. Also i heard that Youtube flags certain accounts like that, so you have to make a new one, but i dont want to abandon my 10 year old acc and build up my recommended page from scratch.
Is there anyone with old Androids? What is the solution here?
that would be too much work for me, i would rather buy myself some cheap Redmi instead. i mean there has to be a huge chunk of people that use older phones because they dont care about playing games or (what else would you use new stronger phones for?). i think im gonna try to install default Youtube app, since we get no ads in russia anyways. but im gonna miss out on other Premium features