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ink it's meant to make you feel bad as if god is going to judge you if you don't pay. It's what religion has been doing for generations.
"if you come to church and don't tithe, it's between you and god"
See how that has made pastors very rich? if you can't see that, honestly, good for you…
8 3 ReplyPrunebutt Yeah, that's not what he meant, though. It is clearly not meant as a serious "your yod is going to judge you", but rather "I'm counting on the honor system and if you abuse my trust, you're probably a dick, but I can't do anything about it".
Stop thinking being an atheist is a substitute for an actual personality.
4 4 Replywildginger Bro thats the exact meaning of that turn of phrase
2 0 ReplyPrunebutt Context is important, "bro". If the context is clearly ironic hit is), it's basically a "I can't stop you from being a dick".
1 0 Replywildginger Why did you quote bro? Are you quoting me? Do you think I invented the word?
Its basically "I cant stop you from being a dick, but your god can." Thats not what irony is. Its just the meaning of the phrase
2 1 ReplyPrunebutt That's defidetly not how most people use that phrase.
Have you heard him say that phrase? Do you really think that Louis Rossman would say something like that and mean it as you claim? O.o
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