Grayjay: A new app that merges different video platforms into one
Grayjay: A new app that merges different video platforms into one
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This send to be quite heavily marketed on here. So many threads on this app throughout my feed.
I dislike the use of a YouTube video over a web page, but that might just me being old fashioned
13 2 ReplyWallEx Yeah most apps are just webpages in a wrapper, so maybe they're going to do that.
It's even the same on desktop, like the discord, twitch or teams apps.
5 1 ReplyGissaMittJobb Most is maybe not the best word to use here. Many desktop apps are browser-based these days, but it's fairly uncommon in the mobile landscape.
2 0 ReplyWallEx Yeah, most might be an overstatement, but uncommon is also not the reality, just did a quick Google search.
Webapps: Google Apps (Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Calender, etc.) Zoom Spotify YouTube Skype LinkedIn Amazon
Native apps: Instagram Ebay WhatsApp Blinkist McDonald’s App AirBnB TikTok
I don't really see a tendency there.
2 0 ReplyGissaMittJobb None of those are web-based on mobile.
1 0 ReplyWallEx How do you know?
1 0 ReplyGissaMittJobb I'm a native app developer for Android, which gives me some professional insight into what's web-based or not.
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