Man, I was all on board with this idea. Federated instances made so much sense to me. But it's tankies all the way down, and it's just not worth my time anymore. Hell, if the largest instance bans you seconds after you call out a tankie mod, where can you escape? Great idea, terrible execution. Everyone wants lemmy to grow, well, until the nazis and tankies are gone, that shit just ain't gonna happen.
Sounds like you want to either create an account on where all the tankie and fash instances are already blocked or wait a few weeks/months for the user specific domain blocking update to go through.
Guess which instance banned me, leading to my point. They are still tankie-sympathetic, as noted by the fact the JUST NOW defederated from lemmygrad. They hide it well, but they still have that lean.
Yeah I really don’t agree with that. I want to be on an instance that only defederates as a last resort. As stated in the defederation post, they only just now fully defederated as the volume of lemmygrad’s rule violating exceeded their ability to moderate.
Ah, so you want a free speech instance. So if that is what is supposed to be, why do they ban folks that disagree with them? Why do they delete comments? What you are describing and what is are not matching up, my friend.
They don’t purport to be a free speech instance. Bans I’ve seen are for rule breaking, but I’ll admit I have found some of their interpretations of spamming or trolling to be heavy handed. I’ve said as much in meta threads and haven’t been banned so I’ve stuck around. There’s so many instances out there now I’m sure you can find something that aligns with your personal views.
They want a safe and welcoming community that abhors violence. Free speech isn't part of the offer. You have to be nice and smile whether you like it or not.