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Pirated game on Linux?

Moving to Linux soon, and wondering how pirated games work with it. I know about proton with steam and lutris for most bought games, but how would I run pirated windows games over there?


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  • Try portproton It works without steam

    • In all my years of pirating on Linux is the first time I've heard of this tool, could you give a brief description of it? Their Github isn't entirely clear and his website is completely in Russian.

      • It's create own folder with wine prefix.If simply talking when u click on exe file,pop up a new window with asking u which version of installed proton/wine to use and on what to run it vulkan/opengl/gallium-nine .it's automatically download the updates of dxvk and new version of proton-lg and proton-ge.And have very cool feature about adding shortcuts to main menu and ur desktop folder like it would be usual native program.It's also have wide customization about launch options and integrated vkBasalt as example