In a few weeks I'll do a workshop about security for people who are tech illiterate, I plan to teach about password managers and 2FA.
If I show the 2FA number codes, like the 123 456 ones that I have to paste when required, can that be a possible security breach for me? or is it save since is gonna change in a few seconds anyway?
Why would you not have all your demo stuff in a throwaway VE. I would personally just set up a 2FA on something pointless and empty, like a blank proxmox install. Use a separate authenticator for tutorials or just use images that are already out there.
I've entered some 2FA codes about 20 seconds after refresh before, so yeah there is a risk.
For me I'd put proxmox in a proxmox. get the second one installed with a user then save it as a template. From here you can spin up a new image and use the TOTP services to show various 2FA which include YUBI keys if ever the tutorials get deep. I don't know if there is a 2FA playground as such that just to me seems like a quick low impact way of showing the process. You then just delete that image within the first proxmox install. Hold the phone just searched 2FA playground and it gave me which seems perfect for your needs. I can't vouch for the safety of the site but their github is on there so have a browse through
Is this being taught in a computer lab or will the students all have laptops or smartphones? If so I would almost be tempted to just walk them through all creating a temporary email address and then setting up 2fa on the accounts. But yeah Gmail accounts.
You can create endless Gmail accounts for free and google has several different 2fa options to choose from. So you could make one '' or have each person on their own device create dummy Gmail addresses like '' and have each student go through the process individually. They would only be temporary in that you'd just stop using it after the class and google would eventually get rid of it(maybe?) After long enough without any use. I don't think you're going to find something that just generates dummy 2fa codes for demo purposes.
You can setup a Nextcloud instance in a docker and then enable TOTP for the logins. That way, its a separate thing from what you're personally using, and provides a direct analog to the online services that they use. You can even create multiple accounts for your students and have them try it personally.