Oh it's pretty cheap. Relatively. That particular server is an i5/32gb normal desktop. Hdds are very cheap. Got 2 6tb for main backup and accumulate everything to #1 over the day, and a CC of 1 to 2.
Os is win2019 and backup Software is macrium reflect (simple, reliable, fast and with incremental backups and if you need something restored you click on the date and it will be a drive. Choose your stuff, restore, eject drive, done. Love it)
Nothing complex or expensive. And if It was only for that it could've been a cheap 100 buck used desktop.
And yes. There's totally no reason not to backup to hdds. I haven't used a cd/bluray for 2 decades now. As long as u backup your backup (hdds just suddenly die...) it's fine for home-use.
Oh thanks. Guess noone would know the reference anyway 😉