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Israel announces 'total' blockade on Gaza

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  • Hopefully the blockade can be lifted soon. Since it appears Israel is at war against the government of Gaza (Hamas), there's a difficult line to walk where a complete and lasting victory is achieved while avoiding humanitarian disaster. A quick victory will hopefully avoid the most extremes of humanitarian disaster. In the long term I hope nearby Arab states help provide a peaceful solution to the problem.

    • While i undestand the strategic motivation and can see why fuels and electricity are considered necessary to weaken the military capeabilities of Hamas cutting the supply of drinking water and food is not excuseable.

      Especially without access to water it only takes a few days until people are dying from dehydration and it is impossible to treat wounded. Also the substitution of clean drinking water with water from tainted sources can quickly lead to an epidemic of cholera and other deadly diseases that would be devastating and impossible to contain given the current situation.

      • Is there a reasonably safe way to provide water during the type of military operation that's coming? Pipes have historically been used to smuggle weapons into Gaza, even the water pipes, so Israel is likely trying to contain that source of weapons during the upcoming operation.

        • i strongly doubt weapons to be smuggled through drinking water pipes. that would require to close the pipe segment on both ends and pump out all the water manually and the water supplier on Israels side would notice that no more water is flowing.

          Also that requires pipes to be at least somewhere in the 1400+ range, which you only find directly at the water source or long transmission lines that are typically operated in free flow because pumping would be too expensive.

          Finally your argument doesnt make sense. First of all who would be smuggling weapons from Israeli water plants into Gaza. Second of all again, an empty pipe that is large enough could be used for smuggling. A pipe that is filled with water cannot.