The sooner Android accepts RCS is dead, the sooner we can choose the next messaging platform that matters
The sooner Android accepts RCS is dead, the sooner we can choose the next messaging platform that matters

I'm just sitting here frustrated because I'm wanting my family to move away from messaging me over SMS (they mainly use iOS), but they refuse to download any extra apps. But Google's RCS really doesn't look like a solution either since it mainly just seems to be a way of enforcing Android as an ecosystem, and they don't even make RCS available for 3rd party apps to use either.
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loki they mainly use iOS
Well that's not a RCS problem, is it?
it's not interested, and if you want to send your mom high-res videos, you're better off buying her — or yourself — an iPhone
The article is basically repeating "fuck standardisation because a company is not playing fair, so let's give them more money"
31 0 ReplyRazp The EU should force apple to support RCS.
7 1 ReplyBearOfaTime RCS is too little, too late
2 0 ReplyRazp RCS is pretty much implemented by all the major EU carriers.
We still use WhatsApp and Telegram though. We are not as backward as the US folks in that regards.
2 3 ReplyBanzai51
Those apps are already proven insecure, you might as well use SMS and take advantage of the interopabily.
1 1 ReplyBearOfaTime "Backwards" yawn. You still pay for SMS. That's pretty backward.
Save the jingoism please.
1 2 ReplyRazp No idea what you are talking about.
Both SMS and RCS are free.
Also, when data is so cheap it makes no sense to use SMS. It's 30 euros per months for unlimited data where I am currently located at.
You guys also have that green/blue bubble mania thingy, where you pretty much dehumanize anyone using non apple device in chats.
Sounds pretty backwards to me.
2 0 ReplyBearOfaTime SMS is free everywhere in Europe? Is that why we get people here saying they have to pay extra for it all the time?
1 1 Reply