I find grass so useless. Every boomer parent I've known is just obsessed with it, too. They think that not having a green, green monoculture lawn means you've failed morally or something, and that it's how they show the neighborhood how responsible they are. One GF's dad came over to our random Winconsin lawn of grass and weeds and strawberries and was "I WOULD JUST PULL THIS ALL UP AND START OVER". Uh.... no?
Then I had an across the street neighbor (guy with a bumper sticker "I've never seen a FLAG burned at a GUN SHOW") who would mow his lawn every single day with a riding mower. You couldn't even tell what part he had done yet. I went out of town for two weeks and he rode over and mowed my lawn. I left my backyard just go and it was awesome... after a few years, birds started nesting in the middle of the prairie, and I had flowers growing I'd never seen anywhere else.
I mean that's probally overkill, that person was either OCD or was thinking he was doing them a favor. That sounds like a great way to have a pissed off neighbor and a potentially hostile neighborhood
I'd feel a little different (still pissed) if it was a next door neighbor who extended their mow. But to cross the street and change someone's property without permission is already hostile to me.
I doubt that I could have demonstrated real harm, or even proved that he did it. I got back into town a week later and my brother, who had been watching the house, said "huh, the guy across the street mowed the front yard".
I went out of town for two weeks and he rode over and mowed my lawn.
This happened to me too. are so violently obsessed with inch-high fuzzy green rectangles of obedience that they'll sometimes invade your property to make more of them, overriding any of their own pretenses about the sanctity of private property in the process.
I think he thought he was doing me a favor, but really was just jerking off his lawn obsession. Same guy told me one time "HEY i saw a bear in your driveway and I was gonna come run it off so it didn't mess with your garbage but it left!" I was uh, okay... no, please don't come confront a bear in my driveway. Dude drank light beer all day.
In my case, it was deliberate aggression because I had told him, in person and to his face, that those were protected native plants and I had a legal right to have them on my property.
But "did me a favor" with a disgusting little smirk when I confronted him about it later. He even implied that I got nothing to prove what he did because I don't have the surveillance state shit that he has on his side of the fence.
I get it as a dog owner with only a courtyard. But he goes on long hikes in the bush and big walks a few times a week. It'd be nice to give the little fella a patch to hang on while I'm at work. And I mean a patch—I hate mowing and any yard work motivation in me is for citrus, chilli, and grapes.
There is the risk of tick transmission of Lyme disease in tall grass. I suppose you can pretreat to prevent contraction, but mowing grass means you don't have those threats/hazards to worry about.
I still hate lawns and wish more would be native, but I wonder if there's a way to grow a native lawn such that you invite the good wildlife and keep out the bad. Would need a biologist to chime in
My yard was very low with ground cover. I actually did mow the front, I just didn't care if it was grass or a bunch of random other plants. I had a dog when my gf lived with me, but at this point, didn't. There were so many rabbits and deer I actually just grew my vegetable garden on the front porch in containers.
i never understood why american front yards dont have fences. just a barren wasteland of green from the curb to the front windows. fence your garden in!
That guy was an asshole for doing that to you. I wonder if that might be considered trespassing. Dunno if you can have any civil remedy served to you, or if it's even worth it, but still sucks.
do you have kids? they love playing outside. barefoot. and a nice lawn is a paradise for bare feet. not to mention the actual process of mowing (electric mower) is very peaceful and good for my mental health. super therapeutic.
seems pretty naive to think that it’s joe homeowner that’s the problem, and not insecticides and fertilizers from mega farm corporations like monsanto. let me know where to mail my apology letter lol
Low height ground cover type plants grew naturally there. Clover, alfalfa, strawberries, unknown other plants, with an occasional thistle. Larger plants (whatever they were) would grow on the periphery. When he mowed my lawn it was maybe about a foot high.
We were surrounded by acres of forest where plants grew wild, so if there was a problem with pollen, it wasn't the .4 acres of my front lawn. Myt front lawn, I did mow occasionally. The back I let grow wild and yes, one could still walk through it.
One of the lame things about lawn is that people don't let them go to seed. If grass goes to seed, it not only regenerates itself, but also provides food for birds and squirrels. I was on an acre and a half across the street from this guy, and bounded by 30 feet of trees on ones side and 200 feet of forest on the other.