Latest news and live updates on the House vote on whether to oust Kevin McCarthy. The vote was prompted by a motion by Matt Gaetz after government funding disagreements.
Apparently some of the Republicans are talking about nominating Trump as speaker. The speaker doesn't technically need to be a member of congress. I wonder if there are enough anti-Trump republicans in the House to block that. If it's a close vote and certain congress people block Trump, they could get a mountain of hate.
You don't need to necessarily formalize game theory to consider things like: hey, we just gave the president the authority to pardon. Couldn't they abuse that? What if they pardon someone who was doing something illegal that they ordered? What if they commit a crime and pardon themselves?
I mean, that's the most obvious one that you don't really need formal game theory to know could be a problem. Then there are all the other problems. Checks and balances are good, but when a powerful faction uses its power to put loyalists into the thing that's supposed to balance them, the system seems to unravel.
They didn't even contemplate the House Speaker being in the Presidential line of succession. Which is the reason they want to put Trump there. Not that it would work; they'd have to remove both the President and Vice President at the same time, and the Senate ain't going to do that.
Yes, but if Trump is on board, can you imagine the mountain of hate mail and death threats those 3-4 would receive? Would they have the guts to accept that consequence?
Making Trump speaker would be a major national security risk to Biden and Harris. Gives way too many lunatics big ideas is there's a direct benefit to their movement. Not to mention it WAYYY to closely mirrors the arc of Hitlers rise. Failed coup attempt, followed by taking on a secondary post a few years later.