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They made it possible that there was a house to rent.
3 4 Replytrailing9 Well, didn't they? They manage the risk that the construction of the house is profitable. You cannot build houses everywhere.
If you don't want landlords then you need public housing. That's where the voters come in.
1 2 ReplyOurToothbrush No, most landlords just buy housing. Construction is usually a seperate business.
3 3 Replytrailing9 Housing is only constructed because there are landlords. If the construction companies don't sell the properties, they would become the landlords.
How do you want the housing market to work without landlords?
1 0 ReplyOurToothbrush Housing is only constructed because there are landlords.
Oh wait, youre serious, let me laugh even harder
1 3 Replytrailing9 How do you want the housing market to work without landlords?
1 0 ReplyOurToothbrush There shouldn't be a housing market, markets are inefficient, and you shouldn't create winners and losers around basic human needs.
1 4 Replytrailing9 That's what you don't like. How do you want to organize housing?
1 0 ReplyOurToothbrush There are countless more efficient ways that are just less efficient at generating income for the ownership class. Do I need to run over all the strategies from pre-fuedalism to the varieties of modern public housing?
1 4 Replytrailing9 I would like to know the strategy that you like best.
1 0 ReplyOurToothbrush Public funding of new housing and home maintenance, people are guaranteed a living place.
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