Yeah, honestly, small town landlords and building owners have to keep up repairs and constantly monitor the situation so that the tenants don't burn down or cause an infestation that tanks a 200k USD miminum (it goes a lot higher from there) investment that wouldn't have been payed off for 13 more years as per the contract for deed.
They also have to file all the receipts, run background checks and keep documents on their tenants, and keep their leases up to date. All of this has to be securely stored for like 6 years.
There is a lot of risk involved in getting shelter to people who need it the most in the USA. Not everything can be a charity, if you've got a problem with that system then you don't have an issue with landlords you have an issue with corporatocracy and real estate moguls on a much larger scale using a necessary resource as a semi-fungible currency. More than 1 in 20 homes in the USA are owned by Chinese investors. I'm sure there are some bad apples but the majority of non-affiliated landlords are just doing what they need to do to minimize financial risks and stay afloat.
Sometimes things like Lawyer Consultation Fees, Eviction Serving fees, Vacancies, and Water Damages forcing you to replace the flooring, the boards, some insulation and vents... It can run into the negative multiple months in a row. Sure they get some of it back after Tax Season, but they still had to pay in Quarterly Taxes up until that point so in order for it to work they need a lot in savings.
Yes, nothing. Except for repair and maintenance and servicing all those cost and insurance and worrying the tenant doesn't pay and all those headache people never forsee. Nothing.
Yes, actually. Where do you think their money came from? (Alternatively their relatives may have earned it, that shouldnt make a difference for you though).
Im saying it doesnt make a difference to you if they got it from their relatives or not, the point is: somebody earned it (or usually they earned it themselves.
Them inheriting it is what took that house off the market.
I'm aware large corporate landlords are more of an issue with housing supply, but the slumlord that owns 30 rentals and doesn't reside in the area is a problem too.
Exactly, as a person of land myself this crowd doesn't appreciate the amount of effort I put into making the houses I own livable for you profit streams. There are costs associated, which means I'm the one truly being exploited here, not the people paying me to live in my extra home.
Nope, i make it sounds like you're someone that's never think beyond their own perspective.
Edit: to add, it's survivor bias to think that all home owner on earth are earning huge money from the property and can afford to outsource the work and still make profit.
Ohh you're not? Because your point doesn't seems like you're anywhere outside the bubble of your own. Maybe try a better argument perhaps? Or you can keep whining idk i don't really care.
The fact that you cant buy a house shows that your landlord is providing value to you, because they make living there affordable where it would otherwise be unaffordable.
My statement still stands: IF they werent providing any value to you (eg. making living there more affordable) then you could just buy a house. (But they do provide value which is why you can afford to rent but not afford to buy a house).
Paying a higher amount in rent than a mortgage would be is not making living affordable. They're exploiting the fact that many people can't access credit or afford to make a required down payment/stamp duty/legal fees, etc. up front.
Alright but wouldnt you then say banks, for example, are also exploiting you (because you have to pay an interest when takking out a loan)? Isnt that also exploiting the fact that many people dont have the money upfront"?