I've been waiting for years for this to finally be approved. I can't stand Daylight Saving Time, only serves to make me tired for the next month while I adjust, twice per year. It's a relic from the past and many countries are moving towards removing it or have removed it already altogether.
I can't stand winter time, would love DST all year long. Its so depressing to have the sun set before I finish work and come home when its pitch black...
It was, but also we have the same time in most EU, so at the west or east extremities either winter or summer time is quite wrong (or even both). Synchronized time is handy for international relations, though.
Honestly, just give me one time for everything world-wide and then have - gasp - people get up at different times. It would make things so much easier.
Aweful idea: do you want to plan a meeting at 16:00 with colleagues in the US? It is very hard to tell if this makes sense without timezones. Is this in their working day? Or the equivalent of midnight? Or something else? There are no timezones, so there is no way of telling without looking at some shady website how many hours you are shifted - which is basically the concept of timezones anyway, but shittier.
I regularly do have to work with and also have friends in other time zones. Despite doing so for the better part of two decades and not being bad at mental maths most of the calculations involved, especially with DST at different start and end dates, are a total headache. It would be much easier to have a list of "person x is available from global time y to z" data and check where that overlaps. Not to mention all the issues around "meeting at the same time every week" when "the same time" has no meaning between two time zones with different DST.
But not if there are no timezones!
Probably someone would find a way to display the shift anyway, but this is basically the old timezone system again, but without a (more-or-less) universal standard.
The universal standard right now is UTC and pretty much any program or other application that is serious about time uses it and only converts to the broken timezone system on display.
this just shifts the problem around though. so instead of debating when 8am and everyone getting to work is relative to the suns cycle you have to figure out which time should be getting to work time. But it still faces the same problems: Different people have different biological clocks and we were not made to deal with people being a thousamd kilometres or more away regularly.
But you have that problem even in the same office. Some start at 7 and leave at 3, others start at 9 and work until 5, some work half of the day only, others are in meetings. Why screw with the clock and inconvenience literally everyone even for the simple task of figuring out what is the same time, what is earlier and what is later just to not really solve anything?
Ask your employer if you can move hours -1 or +1, if that's possible in your case. I know some people that were able to improve their efficiency through that, it's a win-win situation
It's worth a try for sure. But for many people it's not possible because they work in a team and/or are reliant on a common schedule with externals. So either everyone starts an hour later or noone does which is really hard to coordinate.
The same applies for activities outside of work too. You might be able to get up an hour early to work earlier to go home before it gets dark in winter but then you never get to see your friends because you have to go to bed early too.
You're not alone in taking a while to adjust. Circadian rhythms are kind of important to proper functioning. One study found that heart attacks increased coinciding with switches to and from DST. Of course this is only one study. Would need quite a few more before I could draw conclusions.
How hard is it to adjust. My clock on my phone updates itself, my alarm shifts accordingly, I don't even realise it happens until I look at the coffee machine or microwave, I reset them and then forget it happens for another six months. If one hours shift effects you that much it seems like a medical issue.
getting up an hour earliet or pushing yourself to go to bed an hour earlier can be quite difficult if you have a tight schedule, e.g. having no flexibility about when you start working.
But everything else shifts by an hour too? I literally don't even notice the clocks change these days until I look at a non-connected clock, everything connected to the internet just shifts automatically, alarms and all. An hours difference shouldn't put a healthy human out so much.
Humans adaptability is what makes us different from animals who treat this stuff as second nature and are straight into their warrens, dens, etc the moment the sun goes down. A circadian rhythm in a human should allow for an hour's shift either way. Otherwise we would never have been able to migrate and spread around so many different parts of the world with different daylight cycles to begin with.
And how fast do humans wander on foot? Consistently, with cargo and so on maybe 30 km a day. An hour difference is 15 longitudes. In europe a longitude is about 70, at the equator about 110 km. So it takes 1050 km or 35 days to naturally move an hour in Europe and 1650 km or 55 days at the equator.
Until evolution catches up to modern means of transportation or doing something like the time switch it will take millenia at least. And on top of that we also need to adapt to the 9-5 rhythm instead of getting up with the sun and to bed with sunset, like we did for hundreds of thousands of years.
And if you say that for you it is easy, that might be true, but for most people it is not and shouldn't be. Finally i'd recommend you to have a look at the health effects of shift work, in aprticular working night shifts. It fucks peoples health significantly.
It's not man, really. Work and the stress that comes from my responsibilities at it, kids that make my sleep irregular, sleep deprivation because I want to do more than I have possibly time to do, slightly overweight, etc. overall I don't have a significant amount of consecutive good nights of sleep enough to feel rested in general, and this makes me very sensitive to time changes. There was a time I also didn't care or noticed, but when my nights started to become short, it started making a difference.