As bad as any profit first corporation is, or even agenda first profit second corporations, there will never be anything more cringe than helping a hostile foreign dictatorship for vines with music.
China isn't hostile, afaik only the US has been hostile. And claiming that tiktok did that is equivalent to saying random American company is responsible for bombing Iraq
China makes a statement that celebrates whenever something bad happens in the USA. The CCP are very much opposed to the USA. They're also in constant territory disputes with neighboring nations and have recently consumed neighboring nations. TikTok is not a private or public company. It is a military Operation. It is run by military personnel on a military site.
Right, that would make a lot of sense to do about the country that's openly hostile to you. Oh, China has territory disputes with neighbors? The US will literally fucking bomb you to nothing for your oil, and/or stage a false flag coup to overthrow your government if they won't sell them oil. We have also used corporate espionage to rewrite the laws of several South American countries into ineffectiveness, for the benefit of a fruit company. The two are not remotely comparable on foreign policy.
Everything wrong with the USA is worse with China, because China is a literal Militaristic Dictatorship. Kill you for Oil? Check. Genocide? Check. Disappeared by the Intelligence Agency? Check. Internment camps? Sweatshops? Stealing people's land? Taking away their rights and means of defense both physical and legal? China is worse in every imaginable category.
And that makes sense. When society fails to govern itself, then the government treats society like worms. China is an end all threat to all of humanity, itself included.
Literally none of that is true. If it is, provide a source. Who has China gone to full scale war with for their oil? Genocide was made up by a far right grifter named Adrian zenz. You've fallen hardcore American propaganda bro.
China is actively supplying Middle Eastern Nations the same as the USA, and they also claim complete control over Taiwan. They're also funding the Russia-Ukraine war by stockpiling massive amounts of oil from Russia. I think that more than qualifies the "kill you for oil" statement.
No, it doesn't. Taiwan seceded from them, they aren't trying to colonize it. America bombing Iraq and destabilizing SA governments is killing for oil. Buying oil from Russia is not that.
How is buying oil from Russia remotely similar to that? America actually does do that, btw, by supplying the Saudis with the weapons they need to genocide Yemen.