Legislation could also force a lot of homes on the market.
Houses and condos should only be available to be owned by individuals. Ban corporate / hedge fund ownership of everything except high density apartments (that aren't individually owned).
Ban / cap short term rentals.
Add a tax penalty for individuals after X properties. Ex: if you own more than 3 residential properties, you pay extra taxes.
All of these encourage houses to be occupant owned, while still enabling small scale landlords, because we need both.
I personally would love a crash. I sold my small condo last year in an attempt to upgrade to a house due to getting married and needing more room. I was hoping to time the market, but houses are still out of reach for two middle aged professionals with strong careers, if we ever want to retire.
Edit - to illustrate the problem. In San Diego, where I live, depending on the source, the median home is about $1m.
If you take the estimated monthly cost of leading real estate cites, that's around $7200/mo.
The median household income in San Diego is $83500.
Do the math.