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rbesfe Those bricks are laid incredibly poorly, look at all those gaps
45 0 Replydb2 Typical Windows app 🧌
24 2 ReplyTaco AND at least 2 of them are already cracked!
9 0 Replyglasgitarrewelt In german we don't say shitty brick wall, we say 'Landhauscharme' and I think it's beautiful.
7 0 ReplyJohanno Ich hab das jetzt als Land Hausch Arme gelesen und war verwirrt
4 0 Replyglasgitarrewelt Dachte ich schon beim Schreiben. Hier wäre ein kleiner Bindestrich vielleicht nützlich gewesen.
1 0 Reply
Agent641 Thank you!
My first thought was, this is incredibly bad bricklaying, there's so much missing mortar and uneven alignment.
6 0 ReplyPM_ME_FEET_PICS British bricklayer.
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