Dotfiles matter! Please stop dumping files in users’ $HOME directories.
Dotfiles matter! Please stop dumping files in users’ $HOME directories.
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gnutrino I just write my config files directly to random unused blocks on /dev/sda, filesystems are overrated.
81 2 Replychaorace
Nah, dump em' to /tmp/ and let the user figure out the rest
27 1 Replyhperrin I just leave all config in memory. If the user really cared, they would never reboot.
20 1 ReplyCalcProgrammer1
I just hard code all config in the source code. If the user really cared, they would recompile from source.
11 1 Replyclearleaf A suckless fan I see
8 0 Reply
Eufalconimorph I deliberately run / and /home as tmpfs. Then everything I want to persist across boots gets symlinked in at system start, and anything I didn't opt in to saving gets deleted every boot.
2 0 Replyhperrin “Developers hate him for this one cool trick.”
1 0 Reply
Bruno Finger
11 1 Reply
You still have sd devices? /s
20 2 Replypivot_root You still have devices?
I'm over here chilling with
mya- Rental flat, where I can't make any modifications or else I'll be evicted.
- Free TV that serves me ads, on the condition I don't tamper with it.
- Leased car with a heated seat subscription.
- Vendor-locked iPhone that came with my mobile plan.
- Netflix subscription that still shows me ads.
I'd say the only thing I own is the clothes on my back, but those were repossessed yesterday for nonpayment.
12 2 Reply
Chobbes A filesystem is just writing to random unused blocks with extra steps.
5 0 Reply