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cypher_greyhat When C++ changes your gender.
55 3 ReplyVicFic!
All programmers are secretly femboys.
45 3 Replycypher_greyhat Can confirm.
14 2 Replypalordrolap Huh. I should probably shave this beard.
11 0 ReplymetaStatic No,no. leave it on. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
8 1 Reply
Sh1nyM3t4l4ss I thought that was Rust's job! Rust can only be mastered by trans women and femboys.
24 1 Replyzea I thought that was a joke while I was learning Rust, but then it actually happened to me :3
8 0 Replyakari what about haskell!?!?
2 0 Reply
Napain OP what's a gender?
10 0 ReplyFonzie! A gender in DEEZ NUTS!!
... Did I do it right?
10 0 Replytacosplease Not exactly but the enthusiasm is there.
11 0 Reply
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