Food in Germany is highly regional. You can have Kebab everywhere. The Sauerkraut beer and pretzels thing is mostly just Bavaria in the south. At the north sea and Baltic sea you got lots of fish naturally. In Hamburg you have Croques, Aalsuppe and further north Lapskaus. In the southern neighbor state to Bavaria you have Spätzle. And so on.
The beer also changes depending on region. Weißbier in the south and more mild beer in general down there. The north prefers beer with stronger taste that is more bitter generally.
There are few German foods which are generally accepted in all regions. Currywurst is one I'd say. Maybe grill Hähnchen as well although in the eat it'll be called Broiler while in the north noone has ever heard that word. Bratkartoffeln might also be pretty universal although ingredients probably differ. Egg or no egg, pickles or not.
Tldr German food is very different depending on region.
You can buy Brezel everywhere in Germany. They are also a traditional food handed out during St Martin.
I think perhaps the person meant eating it as meal with Sauerkraut. In other places than Bavaria most people buy Brezel at a bakery on the go. And don't necessarily eat it with Sauerkraut
Brezn go well with Weißwurst and sweet mustard early in the day or together with Obazda, onions and radish as a brotzeit snack in the afternoon or evening, both together with a Weißbier. Other than that Brezn are more of a to-go-pastry, often as butterbreze.
And although brezn are available everywhere in germany, there are regional differences in how they are made and they are more popular in the south.
All of that is true although I would add there's a lot more variation than only Butterbreze. Therese Käsebreze, maybe with additional ham or salami, there's Pfefferbreze, Mexikobreze and so on.
But to come back to the original point. No one eats them with Sauerkraut.
Yes, the first part of my answer was rather limited to Bavaria, where Brezn can be part of a meal but not along with Kraut and where Butterbreze is the most popular variation if not part of a meal. Also some fresh cheese with herbs instead of butter is common. Afaik the other variations are more popular outside of Bavaria.
Schnitzel, spatzle, and spargel, the most delicious things that sound like you're making shit up.
"You could use chicken, but you still have to hammer it flat." "Come on. And they make the noodles with a colander? The thing you drain noodles in?" "No really, and there's aspargus, but they grow it underground so it turns white." "If you don't know, don't lie."
Also if you ever forget where you are just walk into a bakery and ask what the bread rolls are called. You'll get a different answer depending on the region.