"While Kremlin officials argue that they are "saving" the children by removing them from their homes, international watchdogs have called the forcible removal of Ukrainian kids — including infants as young as four months old — a war crime."
Why do all these articles sound like propaganda? They are all going for the emotional reaction to make people see Russia as the new enemy of the world. Are we being prepped for a new World War so bankers and elites can make more money?
Yesterday it was how Russia is raping 80 year olds.
I used to wonder why people ignored Nazi crimes until it was too late. But thanks to people like you, now I understand better the class of idiot that led to it
Go put some sunflower seeds in your pockets and join your friends.
Funny how there are reports of waves of Russian propaganda coming to muddy the message and suddenly we have fools like this claiming that Russia kidnapping children sounds illogical and far fetched.
Enjoy your future, Nazi removed. Russia made itself the enemy of the world, it doesnt need help in doing so.
There's literal video evidence of Russian soldiers raping, pillaging and killing civilians. Putin and any Russian supporting him can die in a ball of fire.
Probably because you haven't been paying attention to this shit happening the whole war, or don't want to recognize how shitty Russia is and is behaving.
They are all going for the emotional reaction to make people see Russia as the new enemy of the world.
Actually, Russia is trying to make Russia the enemy of the world by illegally invading Ukraine and trying to genocide (this is literally Article II point e, but it's easy to make arguments for most of the other points) it's people.
Yesterday it was how Russia is raping 80 year olds.
Sounds like Russia is a shit hole and is only exporting suffering into the country they're trying to take over and destroy it's people.
This is what reporting on a genocide looks like. There's no way to put a happy face on an imperial power trying to wipe an ethnic group and their culture off the face of the Earth as part of a war of conquest.
Is the new meta to just ignore that people are calling you a Nazi and just carry on with the talking points? It's not a good meta. It just makes you look stupid.
All wars are for profits and population reduction.
as in russian War for land and wealth in
Ukraine...so that story about all the Ukraine nazis is false, good to know you've escaped your propaganda tank.
Please excuse us while we cheer for the side that's getting invaded.
Population reduction: the thing that makes capitalists/ruling class more money! /s
There is literally no economic reason why the ruling class would want a population reduction. They make enough money from the defense contracts awarded during war time. Having their working class get killed is counter productive to their end goals.
What do you define as propaganda? Does it need to be untrue or misleading? Because this article and many others regarding Russia are true and not misleading, but still does accomplish a geopolitical purpose of decreasing the credibility and influence of Russia.
I come from another thread where another bullshitter is propping up the only talking point they have, that it's all Western propaganda and that I should hate the US because they said so. They couldn't handle being asked for reliable sources and is now resorting to insults. They're so transparent and unimaginative, I can't.
In case you're still confused: Russia is historically culturally and morally bankrupt. They have a centuries long history of betrayal, government sponsored alcoholism, war crimes, and normalized brutality.