I happen to use YT Music despite it sucking because I already pay for YouTube premium, and it seemed dumb to pay for Spotify or Tidal instead. Plus I hated what Spotify was doing by trying to combine music and podcasts into a single app. So naturally, a few years later Google is combining music and podcasts into a single app.
A few years ago, before Google introduced YouTube music, they had the Google Play Music app that let you listen to their entire catalog, download/cache the songs beforehand, listen to your own audio files on local storage (including .flac files), and subscribe and listen to Podcasts.
Literally was one of my most used apps until YouTube Music happened and they had less features for double the price.
+1 for AntennaPod, has tons of options but also gets out of your way if all you want to do is find and listen to podcasts.
I can't see Google ever adding in all the options people want in a podcast app into YouTube Music, it's just never going to happen.
I would expect they'll probably use it to try and switch you over to the video version (if it exists) since it's going to have the more expensive ads (I assume the video ads are more lucrative anyways), which isn't overall a bad thing, but also not really a good one either.
GP Music wasn't too bad. I wish Apple would bring an iTunes client to Android, or at least if there were a decent comparable product (that supports streaming+purchasing music as I actually prefer to buy the songs I like).