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  • The old ones who knew the code best left.

    • Because x11 was awful to code for... duh.

      • So re-make it per the spec, don't re-invent the wheel and forget half the wheel.

        • The spec was the problem, it was awful, again, none of the devs agree with you. The people who deal with this and are experienced with it ALLL chose to move to Wayland development.

          • It was more attrition by age. New devs came in and didn't fully understand it. The XFree86 vs Xorg war only made that problem worse. Those who came later didn't understand it well enough to continue supporting it. Now you've got young devs not understanding why things are important to its design, and of course, they want to rip it all up and start over. They haven't yet learned the lessons of what made the design choices important.

            • Don't you think that if NOBODY understands it and is willing to support it... maybe it's just fucked?

              There are no actual issues going on with wayland development, you're just being a crybaby about network transparency. It's not even not there, you just don't like that it was implemented later...

              • No, I think the young upstarts didn't bother to learn. They wanted their own toy. Damn right I don't like it was added later. It should have been the first thing! Period! Faster boot times, games, and other toys don't matter. FULL backwards compatibility, stability are all that matters. Pretty doesn't matter.

                • You are a very confident person who knows very little about what they're talking about. All the people who do know what they're talking about, as evidenced by the fact that they used to MAINTAIN X11, say you're wrong. Good luck convincing them. Good luck convincing anybody, why don't you maintain X11?

                  • Of course they do not want to admit they were defeated by something better than they could ever produce themselves, as evidenced by their product, Wayland. They inherited the X11 code from their betters and didn't know what to do with it. They not only didn't know how to maintain it, they didn't understand the WHY behind it doing all that it does. So they went out and decided to make the same roomba like mistakes that were made ages ago all over again, ignoring all the lessons learned by their betters. As for me being it's maintainer, I know my limits. They didn't, got in a tiff, and started over and made ... that terribly incomplete thing.

                    • ...they started over, and then they made a completely functional thing that could actually be improved, that you don't like because... waypipe wasn't implemented first?

                      What exactly is your problem with wayland?

                      • It's not X12, and not even half of what X11 was. It was made by people with all the wrong agendas and it still took them over 10 years to come up with something not even half of what X11 was. It (Wayland)... needs... to... die... So that proper resources can be dedicated to making of X12. And if possible, make it forever impossible for any games that aren't Linux native, or just no games at all, which is even better. So many hours wasted on making that wayland and the same for games, resources that should have always been spent on making a real X12.