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soggy_kitty Wait, people still go shopping in-store instead of getting a delivery?
1 5 ReplyManosTheHandsOfFate
According to in the U.S. only 10% of people shop for groceries "mostly" online.
1 1 Replysoggy_kitty That's suprising. Poor guys, imagine actually going to the shop
1 1 ReplyDomoPANTS Those guys will give me a banana someone stepped on. Gotta do it yourself to get proper fruit and veggies, or order from a really nice place and pay more.
2 2 Replysoggy_kitty To be fair I do the latter. I get my fruit and veg delivered by a bespoke grocers and order cupboard and hardy stuff from the supermarket for delivery
1 0 ReplyCrashumbc You get unlucky occasionally. But I've consistently gotten really good fruits and vegetables ordering online...
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