Honest question. I don't listen to the pod cast but I watch some of the clips on YouTube and have never really found anything to be too incendiary. The podcast seems to be as about as interesting as who ever the guest that week is.
Why is this comment the dumbest I’ve ever heard? Many people are talking about this. Lots of people are saying that this person might have been trying to push an agenda. I’m just asking questions here. Questions that I could look up and find the answer to but that’s not the point of the podcast. The podcast is to discuss interesting topics, like this comment, maybe being the dumbest comment. Let’s bring on our guest, someone who has nothing to do with the topic, but is full of opinions. Again, this is a topic we could easily research but that’s not the point of the podcast, the point of the podcast is just to talk, just to ask questions and have a conversation, an intellectual conversation with other men, and hot girls of course! Anyway removed amirite?
It’s accurate isn’t it? And no, I really don’t. This is just what I pick up from clips. But I tell you.. I don’t know why anyone would fill a 3-4 hour podcast each day with “We’re just asking questions which can easily be answered”?
No wait, I don’t know why anyone would listen to that podcast. I get why the format exists - it’s easier to fill 3-4 hours with bs.