Balkanization was a tragedy that resulted in immense suffering and immiseration of working people across the former USSR. It enabled total capitalist hegemony and ushered in our current new guilded age of inequality and imperialist superexploitation.
If you support making that even worse by destroying Russia and her people you aren't a fucking socialist. You're a Western chauvinist, supporting the US/NATO agenda of total domination over everything everywhere forever.
It aint chauvinism if I want to balkanize every country, just happens that Russia is at the top of that list . Also im ideologically descended from my ancestors philosophies, it just happens to align most closely with socialism.
Maybe im insane for wanting to devolve the world into a veritable Holy Roman Empire of political and national insanity. I just wish to see a second springtime of nations.
Yeah, my wants align with the US to a degree. But the thing is thats cause the US is a solid counter weight to empires like China, Russia, and India.
Also the collapse of the Russian state can be lessened in the same way the collapse of Yugoslavia was, just dont let the UN give orders. As for the nukes, so fucking what? The Ruskies have been using it as a scare tactic for so long I kinda want to see them do it. But lets be honest their probably in some way shape or form broken, worst case scenario we find out what it looks like when a nuke flies backwards and blows up its operators.
Aint a fucking psychopath just thoughly apathetic. As I stated I doubt their nukes even work let alone anything the nukes need to work. Also arent most of Russias nukes scattered about in semi-remote locations? Oh no a couple goats a bridge got vaporized.
Anyways the economic size is irrelevent. The fact of the matter is without an oppressive authoritarian oligarchy suppressing everything its possible that the newly created countries could have economic booms. For example damn near every country released after ww1.
Both your proposal of inaction and my proposal of action will do that. At a certain point it becomes a matter of statistics, which has the best outcome. And as loathed to admit he had a point Stalin put it best "A single death is a tragedy a million is a statistic"