I hate how everything requires you to download a shitty proprietary data harvesting app nowadays when everything can be done just fine without an app.
I have recently started a new position and am required to use an app that has three Facebook trackers, one of them being a Facebook location tracker according to Exodus App Privacy in order to get your food when it would literally work perfectly fine ordering to a real cashier or shit even a website rather than having to download an app.
I have also read many stories of people that live in apartments that require them to use a mobile app for god damn LAUNDRY. All you need, is a card reader, and it will work perfectly fine like it has been for the longest time.
Privacy concerns aside, it is just annoying that you need this app and that app and this app and that app and it just clutters space on your phone. Security concerns too as now they have all of this additional info on you online, such as your phone number your email your real name, instead of just your credit card info like a card reader would have. And I am willing to guarantee that their security model is absolute horseshit because they have such a small team of engineers working on the app and the servers.
My favorite is when the QR code just points to their website, and you still have to choose a location, scroll through several pages of bullshit to find a menu, and select from a list of special menus to find the right one.
That's IF you can get the QR code to even work, because it's been sitting on a table for 3 years and has long since passed the point of usability.
yeah, dining out is a pure luxury, especially these days; i want to feel the paper and see the typesetting and take in the whole thing at once, not scroll thru 3 items at a time on a shitty pdf that doesn't render quite right, on my fucking phone, like i do everything else
Oh so much this!!! I hate having to use their QR codes. I was told that using most new QR through our phones give these sites using them, access to our recent photos on the camera app.. I have a two year old I don't want people looking at whom I don't know...
It absolutely does not give them access to anything unless you install their app.
QR codes are okay. They may be an annoyance, but they're not nefarious or harvesting your data. (Again, unless you provide that data in another way, such as an app.)
The website may ask for your location, but the browser will prompt you for that. If you're at the restaurant it's fine to hit "only this time".
That is good to know. I felt like crap when my friend told me that the using most QR codes weren't safe to use as they give the host access to some of your phones data and I felt dumb for not knowing..
Nah, don't feel bad about it. I had to think about it a bit and I'm a developer.
Your camera app could potentially harvest the url, but unless you're using a weird third party camera app, I think that's quite unlikely for now.
Google and Apple have other ways to get the same data. Is your default browser chrome or safari? They'd get the same data from opening a link and having it in your browser history. There's no reason for getting the same data from your camera app in a way that would make (tech) headlines.