Yup. A hobby is fun because you do it on your spare time and as an escape from work. When it’s the only thing you do all day everday, the fun will eventually fizzle out. Obviously there are small exceptions.
Is it? During Covid lockdowns I gamed like there was no tomorrow. Sure, a little burnout at some point, but taking a break for a couple days usually fixed it and then I could start again to game as hard; I think that being able to go outside at will would help much more with the feeling of burnout, so I don't see gaming during retirement being not fun at any point haha
I remember seeing news articles about how people were allegedly getting "stressed out from lack of social contact" and I'm over here with my family enjoying being left the hell alone, able to relax for a change and not deal with other peoples expectations and boring ass social events that we're usually forced to go to. Being able to just play 100 days of video games and only work when I absolutely had to was great.
What it showed us was that all the bullshit about having to be "productive members of society" and the focus on productivity was exactly that. Western society could function just fine and be a lot happier if the 1% didn't get handed yet another ivory back scratcher.
Totally agree! I too enjoy the time spent alone and with the few people close to me, while every other human interaction is unnecessary for my mental wellbeing haha absolutely not envious of those who need social contact to feel well