The government said Canadians who joined ISIS would face the 'full force' of the law, but not a single woman who lived under ISIS has yet been convicted.
The government said Canadians who joined ISIS would face the 'full force' of the law, but not a single woman who lived under ISIS has yet been convicted.
Lmao, not anti Canadian. I would love for Canada to be strong and thrive. Under the current government Canada has become a sickly Victorian child. High cost of living and the stripping of the rights of citizens has turned the current government corrupt and drunk with power. The only way to become strong again is to unrestrict citizens and spend less across the board.
Under the current government Canada has become a sickly Victorian child.
You are clearly delusional. Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in. You are definitely anti-Canadian if you're spreading this utter nonsense.
A government drowned in debt, barely able to defend itself, going through multiple crisis', and attempting to restrict the rights and freedoms of it's citizens is sickly. Much like how Victorian children are portrayed.
Not liking the current government isn't anti-Canadian dumbass. Id argue loving the government and the way it treats the people is more anti-canadian than anything.
What rights, exactly, quoting chapter and verse of the Charter along with any relevant judicial findings do you think have been stripped from Canadians?
I've heard people claim that their Section 6 rights to travel across interprovincial boundaries unimpeded and to leave and reenter Canada was taken away after they drove across multiple interprovincial unimpeded because their Section 2 rights to freedom of assembly and protest had been taken away by freely associating and protesting in Ottawa that they couldn't leave Canada because no one would take them because they had exercised their Section 8 right not to be vaccinated. So obviously it wasn't Section 2, Section 6, or Section 8 so I'm interested to hear which rights you're convinced beyond question were taken away under this government.
EDIT: Downvotes are fucking useless on Lemmy. There is no Karma. No one fucking cares. So...give me all your pathetic, impotent downvotes. They don't change the fact that this is the truth.
Why yes, having everyday citizens be able to purchase firearms since the countries existence, only to them remove such ability and make anyone who keeps the property a criminal isn't a degredation of rights and freedoms then you are blind.
Also, nice only attempting to refute one of my many points.
I didn't "attempt to refute" your arguments. I proved that you were wrong. You have no right to own a firearm in Canada.
[Montague] argued that the right to bear arms has always been a part of Canada’s Constitution. His arguments failed to convince the trial court. The Ontario Court of Appeal upheld the lower court’s ruling that there is no constitutional right to bear arms in Canada. Montague tried to appeal the case one more time, to the Supreme Court of Canada. On September 16, 2010, the Court announced that it would not hear the appeal. As a result, the ruling that there is no Canadian right to bear arms is settled constitutional law for the foreseeable future. The Supreme Court said in 1993 that “Canadians, unlike Americans do not have a constitutional right to bear arms.” Montague will not have a chance to change the Court’s mind.
Now that you've descended to name calling were done.
Rights and Freedoms. I have said many times, what you have as a right you have as a freedom, but you had as a freedom may not be a right. You had the freedom to own and operate firearms since the countries inception, but the current government is doing everything it can to remove the ability for its citizens to defend themselves, or any other lawful reason to use a firearm. To have such a right for many years only to take it away and make previously lawful citizens into criminal is a degredation of rights and freedoms. Good job also not discussing any other point and focusing on this one with nomenclature you didn't understand.
As I said, now that you've descended to name calling, we're done. If you want to talk to me you will be respectful of I will ignore you. No one owes you a response if you're being an ass.