It wasn't the media that convinced me that my rent went up last year, or that housing prices are going up, or that gas prices are higher, or when I purchase literally anything it is high than before, or that my employer can't sell anything but the most expensive stuff abroad, or that my health insurance premiums are up, or my stream services bill went up, or that my big raise last year has vanished, or that I couldnt find a job if I lost mine in a resonable amount of time....
I don't give a shit that some asshole who inherited 10 houses is sitting pretty, or that the stock market hits higher and higher due to buybacks/consolidations/inflation. I care about the stuff I deal with daily. In the real freaken world I am in big trouble if I lose my job and my money buys less and less.
Show me a single thing Biden has done that brings a real world bill down.