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  • Pretty accurate description of the type. Pretty sure I've seen folks over at lemmy use this very "argument", dead serious

    • I've seen them use this argument when they get lost and wander over here too. How does the phrase go? "Ask an anti-communist why they hate communism and they'll describe capitalism."

      • Or they'll just start describing why famines are bad and leaders sought to end them forever.

        They act like from beginning of time until 1917 Russia and Ukraine never had famines but as soon as ol J-Stal got in power he pushed the famine button to really stick it to those damn Ukrainians!

        Or how China was famine-free until Mao came into power and he singlehandedly invented famine in China.

        It's also just ironic as fuck for liberals identifying happily as capitalists (even though they own little to no capital......) to think capitalism hasn't had fuckloads of actually provably purposely done famines famously the Irish potato famine and also the Bengal famine. The list is incredibly long of historically atrocious famines done right out in the open solely for profit, meanwhile they point at (at worst) policy failures and general fuckups and conclude "aha! They tried to improve things and it didn't go perfectly?! Genocide!!!" Meanwhile they'll tell you the potato famine was "natural." "Well, there were too many Irish after all!" (Legitimate argument at the time by psychotic landlords and such)

        And btw pay no attention to starving and malnourished people in the richest nations on earth living in the streets. That is clearly not a failure of capitalism as a system! That's their own moral failure! They should get jobs or be job creators like those beautiful stockholders that contribute so much to society and should definitely not be immediately sent to the guillotine!

        I hate libs

      • Like clockwork