So i realized that a lot of Piracy is going trough Telegram and so i wanted to ask if anybody has some Tips what to Do before i raise my sails (plugins, Tools, awareness in General) and in which direction i should raise my sails (Aka Good channels / group to follow)
I tried some 3D Printing stl channels, which all seems to be copies of each other / linking to each other (since i searched especially for the stagetop table files before i invest money in them myself) But all Tipps and reccomendations are welcome :)
I'm just a messenger, but my guess is that Deezer doesn't block/limit massive automated API access. To access the API they need premium accounts tho.. but you can find some of these on the net as well for free
My bad, I was referring to the movie search bot. It looks like it is pulling from multiple sources. I am guessing based on your explanation, the movie search bot is doing something similar