The books are absolutely worth the read. One of my favorite series ever. Also, the only series that I felt lied to as a reader. What I mean by that is that I was hinted towards certain theories, but got tricked by the author. Not that he did lie, but the twists and real truth were very unexpected. I absolutely loved it.
This is spoiler-ish, but the sequel books follow another main character as well. Kinda switching between two viewpoints. So i assume the show will do the same. There are some changes from the books to TV but the author was very involved with the show and agreed with all the changes. He did an AMA on reddit before episode 1 aired. I'm very happy with this adaptation.
I've looked into the books and it looks like each book is a different part of time, but I've also heard that this 1st season hasn't concluded the first book yet, is that true?
TV show hasn't quite caught up to the end of the first book yet, but it's close. And I think this is actually a better end for the first season than trying to match the book.
From what I could tell the books were released somewhat piecemeal, more like a bunch of little novellas, and were compiled into the three main books later.
It's been a few years since I read the books. Juliets story stays in the current time. The second main character starts in the past and slowly moves forward with each chapter. So his first chapter is X year, then the next is 3 months later, then a year, etc.
I don't actually remember exactly where the first book stopped, I thought it stopped with the reveal of the other silos. But I could certainly be wrong.