“In both the white supremacist and the anti-LGBTQ spaces, you have seen these very similar patterns where the fringe has become embraced by an increasingly large subset of Americans,” Lewis said. “Concepts like the great replacement theory that 10 years ago were fodder for these closed white supremacist chat rooms and niche online spaces are now in the past couple years are all over Tucker Carlson’s show.”
I am reminded of when Morris Kominsky (alav hashalom) wrote this:
‘There are those who believe that the best way of coping with the professional hate‐peddlers is to ignore them, because, forsooth, they appeal only to the crackpots, the malcontents, the lunatic fringe. Unfortunately, there are two things wrong with this theory.
‘In the first place, it ignores the fact that the followers of the hate‐peddlers spread the poisonous doctrines and prepare the minds of the stormtroopers of incipient Fascism. Secondly, it ignores the fact that “respectable” segments of our society covertly and overtly encourage and support the hate‐peddlers.
‘If you think that Major Robert H. Williams’ anti‐Semitic lie about the “secret Government of the United States” can be ignored, what will you say to the fact that the powerful Chicago Tribune carried a front‐page story on May 29, 1950, with the same canard? It was written by Walter Trohan, one of the darlings of the Ultra‐Rightists. Trohan, who is chief of the Tribune's Washington Bureau, attacked and slandered Senator Herbert Lehman, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, and former Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, Jr.—all Jews—as the “secret Government of the United States.” Trohan covered himself from a libel suit by “quoting” anonymously a high official in the State Department.’
Any antifa anarchist is guaranteed to be a socialist. I wouldn't say anarchists are just a vocal minority, they usually are the ones organizing it. Other socialist or communist organizations will participate. But its usually some network of anarchists putting it together.
A couple of anarchists ended up in Ukraine, they would be more alligned with the fash though on the count of them being part of the sect of anarchists who are more defined by anti-communism rather than anti-fascism, they took the westpill on socialism being the real fascism or something.
Yes its important to remember 'anarchism' is a broad church, just like there are in modern times russian communists who call themselves fascists and socialists and who are attempting to synthesize german national socialism with russian marxism leninism, there are anarchists who like the look of hitlers boots and who have internalized NATO/EU eastern european narratives (polish fascist tactic) about how the USSR was the great evil on par or greater than nazi germany.
Its important to study the history of WW2 and post-european USSR polish anarchist resistance, as well as to understand that european anarchism has its roots in anti-semitism to see why there is a strong divide between 'western' and 'eastern' (european) anarchists thats important to know in discussions, as they are not the same; one is worth our support, in the case of the anarchists resisting fascist america with there lives like Willem van Spronsen who attacked the ICE detainment center (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Tacoma_attack) in the name of anarchsim; or those who resist western capitalist control.
But the euro-anarchs? No. they are opposed to our existance; study polish anarchism.