The information the OS collects is not worth more than keeping you in the ecosystem itself. That's the more lucrative reasoning. Can't easily sell other products if they're not in Windows. The information collection is just gravy.
They just want everyone to have Windows at home, so that it keeps being the "normal" OS for corporations. They make so much money... Windows+ CALs, Office, Exchange, Sharepoint, M365, Azure... it's easier to keep paying them, than to change vendors.
So counter point. Active directory is a god send for managing endpoints, user accounts, endpoints, etc.
No you don't let windows act as a dns server outside the ad subdomain, no you don't use windows to admin your root private ca, and for all you hold dear do not enable that God forsaken web server. But for what it does well, it's the best solution out there.
Or Ubisoft. A colleague of mine was super hyped for Far Cry 2, both the collector's edition but it wouldn't start on his PC.
He contacted Ubisoft support and they gave him an actual scene crack. There were other reported cases of Ubisoft support handing out scene cracks to go around their shitty DRM.
"A" for effort for the support people in finding ways for customers to be happy and play the games they paid for. But a Steam release for a humongous corporation just straight up using the crack and releasing it as is, that's a new low.