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  • "Our economy is in the shitter due to our terrible mismanagement. What should we do about this?"

    "How about we piss off China, one of our largest trading partners?"

    "Nigel Bitterswax Chudley the fourth esquire, that is a truly brilliant idea!"

    • UK politics makes more sense when you consider supply/demand neo-liberal economics.

      Everything must get worse to maximize the rate of profit.

      • I think they just honestly don't realise that the British empire is long gone and they are an American vassal now.

        • Dont ever think the leaders dont know what they are doing, they be knowing.

          • Sometimes the leaders are also just idiots. The US is running on 3rd gen failsons, the UK is at least at 7th gen. They have all swallowed the copium

          • Sorry, I meant the people don't really seem to know, but yeah, their leadership profit very well from this new arrangement.

          • I think it's a bit more complicated and localized. Like I've met bourgeois people who are otherwise idiots, but have been or are sufficiently effective at managing and exploiting their workforce or have inherited wealth and know sufficiently how to play the networking, corruption, and non-disastrous asset-management game, but if you asked them what they think about the influence of British financial institutions on third-world resource extraction they wouldn't know what the sentence meant, even when spelt out and explained.

            Most elected politicians do not need any actual specialized knowledge about the socio-economic system they are supposedly governing, largely because they do not govern it on a day-to-day basis. It's a different situation once we are talking about the higher up capitalists and the professional administrators, bureaucrats and managers of the state and commanding heights of the, notably in the financial sector (which carries out many of the functions of central planning in a capitalist economy) and the deep state. The latter are well aware of what is going on and know we are correct. That's why they are the most dangerous.