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I learned something new today! I didn't know you could change apps on Android and now I feel a bit silly.
5 1 ReplyInfernal_pizza
This is shortcuts on iOS, it has a few limitations like no notification badges
28 0 Replymateomaui “no notification badges”
hell that’s a feature!
33 0 ReplyTheAndrewBrown
For what it’s worth, you can turn that off for any app without going through the hassle of setting up a shortcut. It’s in the Notification settings for each app.
7 0 Replymateomaui oh I know, it takes forever to go through and disable all except the few you actually want to bother you at any time. I would prefer to opt-in to the ones I use instead of the other way around.
3 2 Reply
No notifications, and a banner popover when you run it, which some people will find annoying
It’s an easy way to get started with your first shortcut though!
4 0 Reply
Natanael Lots of Android launchers let you freely customize icons
6 0 Replysph And names, I always rename those "My Company" apps to just "Company" so I can find them back in the list. That "My ..." stuff is so annoying.
13 0 ReplyAnarchistArtificer Sweet idea, I can't believe I've never thought of it before!
7 0 ReplyThe Pantser
My Cabages!
6 0 Reply
saltesc You can always install an earlier .APK. Find, download, open. And hope it wasn't something someone riddled with malware.
4 1 ReplySomeoneElseMod OP Don’t feel silly!
2 0 Reply