Turned an imperialist monarchy where the majority of the population were illiterate into being the first nation of humans in space and defeating the Nazis within a few decades?
Turning a country fresh from a century of humiliation in to the world's largest economy by purchasing power parity and virtually eliminating poverty?
You hexbears and gradists are so bent on this autocratic 'dictatorship of the prolitariat' idea that you could almost replace all energy needs by just hooking up a dynamo to Marx turning around in his grave.
We're fully aware that DoTP is a transitory step in the path to full stateless classless communism, I'm just engaging with conceit the meme makes to dispute the point those who make 'cOmMuNiSm oNlY wOrKs On PaPeR' arguments think they're making
Well in the full extend you could read das Kapital, or an abridged version of it.
But the remedy that he seeks is an international uprising against the possessive class and the dissolution of the power of capital. Unfortunately every 'communist' state is just an autocratic state role-playing communism. Sometimes with their own monarchy (north Korea) some more oppressive, some outright capitalist (China).
You realize that it’s called Marxism-Leninism correct? Because Lenin and by extension other writers expanded on this topic to clown on “communism purists” like you.
You know, I was going to make a long detailed post about how that’s wrong, but I just can’t.
It’s so hilariously wrong and asinine that it’s comical. You have never before opened a book in your life, or hell, even bothered to Google anything about what you just said.
Please, you do realize when you say things like this without having a clue what you’re talking about, that you look like an absolute moron, correct?
For one all 'communist' fiefdoms around the world could unite, instead of ruling their own pseudo monarchies. Not a single one of them would set aside their power in favor of a true revolution.
Exactly, hence why those making 'cOmMuNiSm oNlY wOrKs On PaPeR' arguments and this meme are actually about socialist states which is what I am defending in my first comment, that is blatantly clear from context
Nah not really. I mean China is clearly blatantly capitalist since Deng Xiaoping. And there was little ownership of the means of production by the prolitariat in Soviet Russia.
I'm not going to get into a pedantic debate with you about the exact labelling of the ideology of these states, what is important and you're intentionally being obtuse about is that these systems differ(ed) from bourgeois western liberal 'democracy' and is the subject of the meme being discussed
Loling at the idea that "99.9 percent of the population should be able to participate in democracy but the class that's been oppressing us shouldn't for a decade or two during the transition" is "autocracy"