Basically yeah. 10 second or so vertical video to compete with TikTok and Instagram Reels, because no one has an attention span longer than 10 seconds anymore
It is annoying that the youtube algorithm give higher priority to longer videos, above 10 min or so. Which means that quite a few content creators will stretch out something that would take 3 min to explain into a 10+ min video.
Yeah I agree. That's why it feels like most videos in that range don't usually have any reason to watch. You just know it's going to be a waste of time.
What pisses me off is that they just assume that everyone who wants to watch videos also wants to watch shorts. There's no native way to block or filter them completely. That's also an aspect where YT got so much worse. Like you can't use quotation marks to explicitly search terms anymore. It just suggests you random garbage that is irrelevant to what you want, which is often burried far below all the other garbage search results. I don't even know why you'd remove a feature like that. It's such an unnecessary dumbing down, because people unaware won't use it anyway, as it is completely invisible to them. YT just goes further down the shitter with each year.
I find it’s unfair to associate attention span with the usefulness of Shorts. There are jokes and joke formats that don’t work when part of a longer video. The primary value of Shorts is in communicating something relatively unimportant, but it’s okay to consume media purely for enjoyment.