as I said before, I don't think there is a "zero point" of bias in news reporting. even the organization I cited, mediabiasfactcheck, only rates bias on a scale of "least biased" to "extremely biased".
to be clear, I never said that WSJ should be ignored. I just quoted from the analysis of an independent organization which is dedicated to analyzing the bias in media/news sources-- which, I'll point out, reports WSJ as having a high level of factual reporting. With regards to this specific article: it's an opinion piece-- pieces which, by their nature, are almost always very biased. This one is also highly speculative, loaded with equivocation and hypotheticals which is clearly pushing an agenda more than attempting to inform. You're free to disagree, but discussing the subject therein doesn't interest me in the context of this article.
And regardless of the subject or the source, just because of the fact that you are human, of course your analysis would be biased towards your own interests and beliefs. So would anyone's. If everyone was impartial and free of bias, there would never be any conflict, war, or argument. Everyone would agree on everything.