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If you think weed is not addictive try not consuming it for 6 months
2 8 ReplySCB I've done this regularly. Went from every day use to quitting for a year before becoming a teacher, and have regularly stopped for 6 months to a year for various reasons since.
3 0 Replydiprount_tomato
And you end up falling in it again?
1 4 ReplySCB No I end up doing fun things when I want to do fun things
3 0 Replydiprount_tomato
Ok, you fall again
1 4 ReplySCB Falling implies the thing is bad.
Am I falling when I play MarioKart with my kids? That's fun and similarly dangerous.
3 1 ReplyFUBAR There is no changing a mind that is shut
4 1 Replydiprount_tomato
Yes, you fall in marijuana just like you fall in tobacco or alcohol
1 3 Reply
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