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kandoh Most adults in the west don't even wash their hands after using the bathroom.
23 8 Replykhalic I'd like to think the pandemics changed that... please don't burst my bubble
10 0 ReplyWexMajor I know you said please, but...
3 0 Replyremotedev pop
5 0 Reply
My wife works in a school. Have some bubble wrap while I look for a vaccine for hand foot and mouth
2 0 Replykhalic slowly pops the bubble wrap with an empty stare
1 0 ReplyNiggling__Niggard It would be easier if you popped the bubble wrap with your fingers.
3 0 Reply
countflacula MOST!?
5 0 Replyatx_aquarian
(Source conspicuously missing.)
2 1 Reply
Affine Connection I want to believe that most wash their hands after defecating, at the least.
2 0 ReplyFluffyPotato OK, maybe we should just accelerate this climate crisis and get rid of humans, something has clearly gone wrong.
2 1 ReplystevedidWHAT
3 2 Reply
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