Most Scifi fans I have ran into can pretty quickly rank the four stars –BattleSTAR Galactica, STAR Trek, STARgate, and STAR wars, but what lesser-known or less-prestigious shows hold a special place in your heart?
I really like Raised by Wolves, but I think it had a couple of things that actively helped it get cancelled.
Mother was essentially an omnipotent suped up terminator in a post-apocalyptic world. She was too powerful from almost the beginning of the show. There was no room for an antagonist. They attempted to neuter her by hiding her power source, but they would have had to destroy the source to make it work. Also, she was obsessed with keeping that power, so she wouldn't give it up willingly.
Both Mother and Father were supposed to be androids, but they both displayed emotional extremism in opposite directions of the spectrum. With growing anxiety over AI, I think the whole feeling robot schtick is going to be less popular for a while.
Gotta disagree with your assessment about AI and feeling robots being less popular. I think we're going to see a rise in those, only the AI/robot is going to definitely skew more 'evil'.