LMG are some Shady ass motherfuckers. Look at this shit...
You know, this is some shit that I expect when dealing with some shady asshole on ebay, but LMG?
Bro... Are you ok?
I always wondered if Linus was actually a slimy POS, but this Billet Labs situation has cemented it for me. If you haven't watched the Gamers Nexus followup video, definitely watch it.
I'm not really sure how this situation makes linus a "slimey piece of shit". Incompetent, maybe. Bad at management, sure. Linus probably had no hand in any part until the part where he was told they fucked up. I don't think there was malice in any part of the exchange, just incompetence.
I find his on-air comments on the prototype that he literally was unwilling to test on the card it was designed for pretty slimy. But if that's not enough for you, how about the way Madison Suop was treated?
I mean, they sent him a specific card to use it on and he decided to just not do that and instead be as harsh as he could about the fact that he couldn't get it together to figure out how to mount the thing properly. That tone he gets in his voice when he starts trashing it? That's cruelty. That's anger. He's trying to hurt them and he's doing it on purpose because he's a manipulative and emotionally abusive person, and it's easier to lash out than accept his own mistake.
I've dealt with too much of that shit in my own life not to call it out when I get a whiff. Make no mistake, this guy is a mean-spirited, cruel, and callous person.
I think it's quite a leap from one thing to say he's "manipulative and emotionally abusive". I think he was trashing it with disregard for their feelings but not with the intent of hurting their feelings. Plus, I don't think he actually wrote the script for that video, no? It could be possible that it was just incompetence and a lack of care/unwillingness to spend the extra time for something that in his opinion was worthless anyway. He probably sees hundreds items from other (usually much larger) companies come and go that aren't so easily effected by a few months delay on an item being returned, a bit of bad press from a YouTuber or a missing sample. What is easier to believe: that Linus lost sight of what's important in persuit of his own goals and didn't stop to think about how it might effect companies smaller than his - or that he is secretly emotionally abusive and carefully calculated an attack on this specific company for having the gall to send him a prototype?