Alt text: an image of a poster with the text "Did you see: - A tent in the Wood? - Someone shoplifting? - A person sleeping in their car? No! You fucking didn't! People are struggling, don't make it worse
I have never once met a shoplifter who was struggling or actually needed what they stole, ever. Most shoplifters I've met were kids from well-off families who felt entitled to anything they could get their hands on.
I am the richest man on the planet. You haven't met the richest man on the planet.
Anyone can claim anything on the internet, it would take the most gullible of people to believe everything they read. It's weird that you expect him to be gullible.
There's a 1 in 7 billion chance that you're the richest mans on the internet.
25% of Americans will experience food insecurity this year.
I don't trust you because I don't trust you're 1 in 7 billion, I trust them because I trust that if they're not within the like 1/2 who have experienced food insecurity at some point in their lives, another lurker or two might be
Also depends on where and what. Kids I grew up around stole random crap from Forever 21 for fun. Grew up, met people who stole to fuel a drug addiction, like at big box stores with a bit more relaxed security. Then there's commenters here who sound like they just take things they need.
It really depends, but the one that sticks out to me is the kid who stole Pokemon cards from a place my wife retailed. That kid was just a straight entitled POS psychopath. Really, really takes all kinds.
The only people I know who shoplift are on welfare and surviving on about $500 per month for everything minus rent. So. Anecdotal evidence remains the weakest evidence.
I feel like that says more about your social circle than about shoplifters, who are a pretty diverse group of people with really varying motivations for their actions.
Most shoplifters I've met were kids [...] who felt entitled to anything they could get their hands on.