Every time I've tried a regular Linux distro lately networking has been absolute trash. It technically works but the delay between request and resolution is at least a minute long. But somehow, it magically works if I use ping from a command prompt? Pinging a site such as google.com comes right back and ping looks great, meanwhile I type in google.com and it won't pull up in a browser for a minute or longer. No proxy set, no weirdness, both wired and wireless. This is on any distro (Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Pop!, Fedora, etc) and even separate PCs. My network? Well, it seems like Windows (on the same PCs), ChromeOS (Linux!), and Android (Linux!) just works somehow.
Linux has begun to become an absolute mess. I had used it since around 2000 and have dropped it lately because it's become so convoluted that I can't even use it effectively. Don't even get me started on the laughable disaster that is Wayland. Oh, look, it works on our expensive computers, must work on everyone's. "But not mine, it's not even nvidia--" INVALID BUG, WAYLAND IS PERFECT.
But I don't want to have to troubleshoot simple things when I'm at home just trying to enjoy myself. I don't want to have to figure out why this or that won't install or why the instructions for this piece of software aren't working like they say it should.
I use Windows because it's just easy. Not great, but at least I can install applications with zero issues.
The idea of Linux is awesome, but the execution is so messy.
Well, honestly, most things in Linux these days have become very easy to do and running a typical desktop where you don't have a lot of advanced stuff going on is just as easy as Windows. The problem for me is Linux has dipped down in quality so much that I can't use it any more. They don't seem to care about extensively testing everything on all use cases and rejecting anyone who says that it doesn't work for them as "it works fine here, not a bug".
It is, actually. It's just your underage idea of "slow and old" is a four year old Core i3 laptop without a hyper-powered graphics card in it, not actual old laptops that run like shit, and many aren't even 64-bit.