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Just started Strattera. I feel superhuman, but have some questions about the side effects.

I'm only on day 2, but I feel so able to concentrate, it's ridiculous. I know it's expected to take weeks to start working, but I'm feeling it already. I spent the morning reading wikipedia, catching up with work, and doing laundry that I hadn't done for weeks. Now, I'm gonna go out to eat at a restaurant with a friend and his kids. Is this what NTs feel like all the time, just able to focus without struggle and the motivation of looming despair??

However, I slept maybe 30 mins last night even though I took 12 mgs of melatonin throughout the night, and my male genitals are not working well. I also feel a bit irritable.

  • Did anyone on Strattera have a similar experience? And did the side effects eventually go away?

  • If so, how long did they take to subside? If not, what did you do about it?

  • Did this ability to focus last too?


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  • I'm a dude as well who's on 60mg and started with 40mg

    For me the "I feel like a damn super human getting shit done WTF, is this how it is for other folks?" lasted about 3 days before starting to amp down.

    I also had a bunch of other side effects but basically all of them went away between a couple days and about a month. Though I am more thirsty in general so I'm drinking more water but that's probably for the best considering how often I'd simply forget to drink water.

    The... uh... member effects seem to only be an issue for me for the first few weeks. Though currently (4 months later) the "member" can't really be used within 12 hours of taking it as climax takes a long time, it takes a lot more work, and it doesn't feel as good. In fact during that 12 hours climax and building to it is kinda meh. Afterwards though it's back to being great but just taking longer, which by virtue of feeling great again is pretty cool.

    The sleep quality is one that was really rough for the first couple days while I still felt super human but when the super human feeling went away my sleep quality improved, though still wasn't great for about 2 weeks. I'd recommend doing what you can to improve sleep hygiene though, it really helped being strict about that.

    • I think we might have similar brains because I seem to be following your path. Hi, brain brother! Once the super human period went away, how was your attention and ability to complete tasks?

      • After the super human feeling went away I'm still able to get stuff done I just have to aim my morning before it kicks in

        Look at memes before it's working? Good luck, you're going to be fighting yourself all day.

        Eat breakfast listening to music with a task you know needs done when you finish? It's going to be a productive day indeed.

        Getting stuff done isn't as easy as it was during those feeling like a super human days but it's still way easier than before I started the meds.

        • omg, I'm learning this as I type. Whatever I focus on in the morning is what's going to get my attention all day. I'm gonna head out to a coffee shop tomorrow in the morning with my laptop to see if I can get some actual work done. 😆