[XMonad] Switching to Kanagawa
[XMonad] Switching to Kanagawa

- GitHub Repository: Snowflake (Nix Flake)
- Distribution: NixOS
- Keyboard Manager: KMonad
- Window Manager: XMonad
- Status-Bar: Taffybar
- Display Manager: LightDM-mini-greeter
- GTK Theme: Kanagawa GTK
- Icon Theme: Kanagawa Icons
- Cursor Theme: Bibata-Cursor (Modern-Classic)
- Font: Victor Mono Nerd Font
- Terminal: Alacritty + Tmux
- Editor: Emacs - Irkalla (Emacs Conf)
- Wallpaper: Ismail Inceoglu - Chaos Invoked
- Browser: Firefox
Everything else not listed in this comment can be found in the repository linked above.
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IcyThought @discuss.online OP - GitHub Repository: Snowflake (Nix Flake)
- Distribution: NixOS
- Keyboard Manager: KMonad
- Window Manager: XMonad
- Status-Bar: Taffybar
- Display Manager: LightDM-mini-greeter
- GTK Theme: Kanagawa GTK
- Icon Theme: Kanagawa Icons
- Cursor Theme: Bibata-Cursor (Modern-Classic)
- Font: Victor Mono Nerd Font
- Terminal: Alacritty + Tmux
- Editor: Emacs - Irkalla (Emacs Conf)
- Wallpaper: Ismail Inceoglu - Chaos Invoked
- Browser: Firefox
Everything else not listed in this comment can be found in the repository linked above.
11 0 Replytheshatterstone54 @feddit.uk Why taffybar, instead of Xmobar or polybar? Granted, I've had issues with both, so that's why I'm asking about taffybar.
1 0 ReplyIcyThought @discuss.online OP Because:
- Taffybar is written in Haskell!
- It is as fluid as Elkowar's Widgets is!
What you see in this screenshot is my neglect from ricing it properly to be honest. Haven't really had the time to tinker with Haskell..
4 0 Replytheshatterstone54 @feddit.uk Wait, that beautiful thing is neglected??? I can only imagine what it would be like if configured extensively.
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