If those news sources don't want to give away content for free then they shouldn't transmit those contents to the user's computer and then run a client-side script to pretend that they didn't.
no, we don't. we just don't want to pay several times to read a news article: first, a paywall (often with ridiculous prices), second, with our data. news sites mostly have the most hostile cookie policies in place i have ever seen - they want to "analyze" EVERYTHING, on of the bigger news papers in my country wants to install like 20 cookies just to allow me to visit their site. and third, ads left and right, autoplay videos and a hunger for hardware like a contemporary video game. finally, let's not talk about the quality of most contemporary news outlets, somewhere inbetween buzzfeed clickbait and being a gov't spox.
i worked over a decade in one of the biggest multinational publishing houses in europe, right on time when everyting went digital and that experience haunts me to this day.
The ads that already show on the article page should be paying you. i have no issue paying for services, but at the coffee shop i can read the newspaper for free, paywalling news blocks poor folks from participating
You serious ?....so, how does a books author get paid ? Fiction or non fiction. A journalist or photographer ? They should just do the work unpaid ? that's real people using real time....
Seriously....whatever you read...someone created that....and you dont think they should be compensated......or just not by you ?
Welcome to Lemmy. A place where the user based thinks that anarchism works, everything only being free isn't mainstream, and that piracy is the answer to teaching big companies a lesson but they will pirate Zelda and talk about how great it is but how terrible Nintendo is rather than just buying Zelda to support devs.
I have been on here 3 weeks and in those 3 weeks I have learned the community here has this thought that they are not as big of ass holes as people on Reddit. However, they are just as inclusive and additionally just different kinds of assholes.