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Maple Engineer
Any person who uses the word, "sheeple" unironically is 100% guaranteed to be a fucking idiot.
56 0 Replymeyotch Work in ‘normies’ for extra flavor!
17 0 ReplyMaple Engineer
I use, "normies" but I'm an Aspie so it's ok.
14 1 Replymeyotch Opinions may vary, naturally.
8 0 ReplyMaple Engineer
Everyone has the right to be wrong
7 0 Reply
eestileib Yeah as somebody who has been assured my entire life that I'm Not Like The Rest, and have finally just accepted I'm a queerdo, I feel entitled to use "normie" to refer to non-NCDcels.
6 1 ReplyMaple Engineer
It's funny how the people who label others get so butt hurt when those they label label them.
4 1 Reply
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